

Bishop Gregory Urges Action to Protect Religious Liberty

22 February 2012
Prot. No. 134/1/12

Dear Brother Priests, Deacons/Subdeacons, Monks, Sisters, Faithful of the Eparchy and Friends:

On February 3, 2012, I wrote to all of you the following:
“There can no longer be any doubt that religious liberty in our country is in jeopardy. On January 20, 2012, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with the approval of President Obama issued a new federal mandate making coverage of all abortive drugs, sterilization, and FDA-approved contraceptives obligatory for virtually all employees, including those working in faith-based institutions.
The new mandate is the first federal regulation in our nation’s history to require all religious institutions to pay for this coverage. Now nearly all those who provide insurance must comply. To force people to provide these mandated services that violates both their faith conviction and their freedom is just not right in the land of the free!” (see”

Now brothers and sisters, President Obama has recently made a much publicized “compromise”. However, this is no real compromise, for the burden of responsibility has simply shifted from employers to insurance companies to provide these services “for free.” In our case, some of these
insurance companies are owned and operated by the Church so that we may insure ourselves. By continuing this insistence on this mandate, the Administration has ignored the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and has decided what is good for us, whether we agree or not, whether it violates our conscience or not. (See article by Anne McGuire attached).

Please visit to learn more about this mandate, which is not only a blow to religious liberty, but also an unnecessary entry of government into the free exercise of religion and conscience, and what we can do about it. With gratitude for your collaboration in this very important matter and with every good wish, I am

Yours in Christ,
+Gregory John Mansour


Action Alert

Support Respect for Rights of Conscience Act
Senate Vote Expected
Send an urgent Email to Congress


Come to Visit Us

We welcome you to visit our Maronite Servants’ Convent for an Open House on Sunday March 4th, 2012 from 2:00PM to 5:00PM.
This informal event is to give you the opportunity to see the results of the convent renovations, visit our Chapel, and share in some coffee and cake to celebrate.

Please take some time to stop by and visit with us. As we have so often said, this will be your home too. We plan to host events here to build up our Maronite Church communities. Beginning with Great Lent, we open our doors for days of prayer, spiritual talks, or overnight retreats. Please see below.

Sister Therese Maria and I look forward to your visit. Friends have asked what they could bring or offer. What is most needed at this time are donations to help pay our gas and electric bills. Thank you for supporting us in this mission.  Read More.

Other Opportunities/Events 

»March 11th at 5:00PM join us for Maronite Ramsho (Evening Prayer) & Supper. RSVP This will be a monthly event usually on the second Sunday.

»Host your parish organization’s retreat or meeting here and benefit from our Chapel, quiet surroundings, and spiritual presenta-tions. Parish Councils, Lady’s Sodalities, religious education, MYO and MYA groups are welcome.

»Overnight retreats open to women (only) for private or guided reflection.
Call us for more information: 508/996-1753.


Urgent Letter - Bishop Gregory Mansour on Religious Liberty

Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn
Office of the Bishop
February 3, 2012

Dear Friends:
There can no longer be any doubt that religious liberty in our country is in jeopardy. On January 20, 2012, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with the approval of President Obama issued a new federal mandate making coverage of all abortive drugs, sterilization, and FDA-approved contraceptives obligatory for virtually all employees, including those Working in faith-based institutions.
The new mandate is the first federal regulation in our nation’s history to require all religious institutions to pay for this coverage. Now nearly all those who provide insurance must comply. To force Catholics to provide these mandated services violates both our faith conviction and our freedom.
In upholding this regulation, the Administration has ignored the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and has denied Catholics the most fundamental freedom, religious liberty. Despite the Church’s appeal for a broader religious exemption, which was echoed by many other faiths, the Administration refused to modify the regulation’s current exemption that is limited to religious groups that hire and serve people primarily of their own faith. Most churches and church­run institutions do not qualify for the exemption because of our very openness to serving the common good of society and all people regardless of creed in hospitals, universities, social service agencies, etc.

Catholics of all backgrounds across America are already lighting this mandate. The HHS rules are unjust and unreasonable. There is no need for this in a land of freedom! Leaders of major Catholic organizations, such as the Catholic Health Association, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities USA, as Well as Catholic Universities and Schools, and people like you and I, as Catholics and as Americans who love this great country, must continue to speak out against this new, unprecedented mandate.
With God, nothing is impossible.
Prayer and speaking out should be combined with thoughtful and harmonious action. Please visit to learn more about this blow to religious liberty and how we can find the right resources to support legislation that would reverse the effects of the Administration’s decision.
With gratitude for your collaboration important matter and with every good wish, I am
Yours in Christ,
+Gregory John Mansour


Happy All Saints Day - Maronites!

(From Prayer of the Faithful According to the Maronite Liturgical Year)
In the Maronite Church, this year, February 5th is the Sunday of the Righteous and Just. This is actually the traditional Maronite feast in honor of all saints. Whereas the Latin Church celebrates the feast of All Saints November 1st, the Maronite Church, following its ancient tradition dedicates this Sunday to their memory.
On this day we call to mind all the men and women, children of the Church, who have followed the path of justice and righteousness. We remember the prophets, apostles and martyrs, the hermits, ascetics, men and women religious, as well as all Christians who have lead holy lives. As our liturgy so often reminds us, they are just in the sight of God because they have patterned their lives on Jesus Christ, the Just One. The saints are our models; their prayers and fasting have taught us to fight against sin and temptation and so gain the reward of righteousness. The saints are our intercessors; by their prayers we obtain the pardon of our sins and are strengthened in the Christian virtues. They were the salt of the earth and the light of the world, they call us to follow their path. Through their intercession may we one day merit eternal life with God.