

Youth Retreat - Richmond VA

"Discover Jesus" Youth Retreat - Richmond VA

This past weekend (March 31-April 2) Sr. Therese Maria, MSCL assisted at the MYO Regional retreat held at Saint Anthony Maronite Parish in Richmond, Virginia. She gave a talk on her vocation story, the gift of confession and led the adoration and worship before the Blessed Sacrament. The theme for this year's presentation, activities and games was "Discover Jesus." During the fun-filled and spiritual weekend, we were blessed to have youth from the following parishes attend: Washington DC, Roanoke, Richmond and North Carolina.

Maronite Young Adults

On Sunday night Sr. Therese Maria also met with Maronite Young Adults from the parish of Saint Anthony for a lively and interactive discussion on their identity as beloved sons and daughters of God and our purpose here on Earth. Our purpose is to love and be loved and how do we do this? As Saint John Paul II emphasizes it is in giving ourselves away in loving service to our neighbor that we find our true self and fulfillment. The "something more" that we seek is a life-giving relationship with Jesus. We enjoyed great laughs, pizza, ice cream, and concluded the evening with a fruitful sharing on the Sunday's Gospel, Jesus curing the Blind beggar. With one heart we prayed: "Lord have pity on us, help us to shed our sins, and see with your light."