
Pro- Life Efforts After the Elections - - What Can We Do Now?

By Deacon Nicholas Mammi
Office of Family & Sanctity of Life for the Eparchy of Saint Maron

Many faithful Catholics wonder what they can do politically once they have voted. Above all, we must continue to press our elected leaders to uphold pro-life principles. Write your sena-tors and  congressman and encourage them to support the following bills; each represents a “cornerstone” of Catholic pro-life ethic.

No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (HR5939) will establish a consistent government-wide prohibition on abortion funding. The bill is likely to receive priority consideration in the new 112th Congress. Not only will this bill repeal the pro-abortion portions of the will establish a government-wide prohibition on abortion funding. The bill is likely to be a priority in the new 112th Congress. Not only will the bill repeal the pro-abortion portions of the health care bill, but it will make the Hyde amendment, the Hyde-Weldon conscience protection clause, and other pro-life amendments permanent federal law. Sponsors: Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL).

Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (HR614) would prohibit the Secretary of Health and Human Service from providing federal family planning assistance to an entity unless it certifies that it will not perform abortion (or fund another entity that does) while it is receiving aid. Excludes abortion in cases of rape or incest against a minor, or when a physician certifies the woman suffers from a physical condition that would place her mortal danger without an abortion. Sponsor: Mike Pence (R-IN).

Protect Life Act (HR 5111) would prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion in the health care bill. The Senate version of this bill (S 3723) includes the same prohibitions.

Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (HR 5276) would ensure women seeking an abortion are made aware that a child may be able to feel pain at 20 weeks gestation. Also allows a woman to choose anesthesia for the baby if she chooses to abort.

Join in the 2011 March for Life - DC

The Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn Office of Family and Sanctity of Life invites all youth and young adults throughout the Eparchy to come to Washington, D.C. to join in the 2011 March for Life! Our Lady of Lebanon parish will host a limited number of young men and women overnight in its social hall from Sunday through Monday, January 23-24.

Partake in prayer, sacraments, prolife talks, interaction with prolife young people, advocacy, and dialogue with members of Congress. MYA and MYO members are encouraged to attend. Adults 39+ are welcome as chaperones.

To register, contact Deacon Nicholas Mammi (nmammi@swva.net or 540-420-4725) or Joseph Elhallal (jhallal@verizon.net or 540-815-2104). RSVP by December 13th.