
Catechesis Studies

By Sr. Therese Maria
On December 27-28, Lisa M. Gulino, D. Min Candidate and Director of the Office of Education, Diocese of Providence offered classes on the science and mission of catechesis. Lisa was our first overnight guest to stay at our Mother of the Light Convent in Dartmouth. During her visit, Lisa also joined us for Safro and Ramsho prayer in our Chapel of St. Maron.

As I reflect on the essential content of these interactive lessons, these are two main ideas presented: the object and tasks of catechesis.

The Object of Catechesis is not what but who- Jesus Christ. We look to the life of Jesus in the Gospels as He taught His disciples to pray and to live the Gospel values. As Jesus instructed His disciples to bring the Gospel to others, we as Christians/catechists are to do the same, in being living witnesses of His teachings, and leading others to Him, by our example of self-giving, our prayers and sacrifices.

The second part of our class focused on the fundamental Tasks of Catechesis, they help us to know, to celebrate and to contemplate the mystery of Christ.

1. Promotes the knowledge of faith

2. Leads individuals to a full conscience and active participation in the Sacred Liturgy

3. Provides moral formation

4. Teaches individuals how to pray

5. Educates for community life

6. Initiates individuals into the mission of evangelization.

(General Directory for Catechesis paragraphs 85-87)