By Sister Therese Maria Touma
Over the last two years of my formation as a Maronite Servant of Christ the Light, I have experienced a beautiful growth in my own spirituality and love for the Eucharist. It is the center of who I am and an ongoing source of light for my path to wholeness and union with God. Our convent life of Liturgical and communal prayer has deepened my understanding of how to approach prayer, how to surrender my will to the present moment, and to carry out my day in recollection.
As Maronite Servants, the primary purpose of our mission is to give God praise by striving for holiness following the Typicon (rule) of our Congregation. We are inspired and sustained by a vowed life in community of prayer, Eucharist, and joyful communion in living the Gospel of the Lord. We offer our lives as spiritual mothers in prayer and pastoral service, working alongside our priests, praying and sacrificing for them and the needs of all our Maronite people. (Adapted from our Typicon Art. 2)
Sister and a young women pray in the convent chapel. |
In imitation of Mary, we are called as servants of the Lord to radiate the light of Christ’s merciful love and hope by offering the gift of our spiritual motherhood to nurture God’s life in the hearts of children, families, and people’s of all ages through works of mercy. (Typicon Art. 3)
We live the monastic spirit of our Maronite spirituality through a contemplative-apostolic prayer life centered on the Eucharist. We find our strength and source of charity for the other in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the heart of our worship, and the centre of our devotional life of daily adoration which we seek to nurture in our Maronite faithful. (Typicon Art. 8)
Daily, we attend Divine Liturgy and we also offer an hour of prayer in the presence of the Eucharist, entrusting to the Lord, the needs of the world, the Church and community. We are particularly praying for holy vocations to the priesthood and to our Maronite Servant community, for generous supporters, and each day we offer our prayers and sacrifices for a priest serving in our Maronite Eparchy. Please join us in our prayer intentions. \
In living this Eucharistic life as a community, I am amazed how I have discovered more about the mystery of who I am, in his Radiant Light, and with His mercy and grace I am learning to embrace it all, the good and all that needs transformation and healing in my humanity and the humanity of those around me. God is so good!
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