Children’s Lenten Retreat - Worcester
The Maronite Servants of Christ the Light offered a retreat day for the children of Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Worcester, MA, on Saturday, March 21 focusing on the Glorious Resurrection of Christ.
The Sisters made use of media, crafts, drama and music to explain in Jesus’ resurrection, he triumphed over sin and death forever, and so have we. As Jesus rose from the dead, so too will we rise with Him. We have no need to fear death, because Jesus promised us eternal life and a share in his resurrection.
The children enthusiastically played and sang the Mazmooro of the Sunday of the Glorious Resurrection with percussion instruments for their Pastor, Fr. Gaby Hoyek. The day concluded with Fr. Gaby celebrating the Saturday Vigil Liturgy in which the children participated and assisted as altar servers, transferring the gifts, singing and reading.
For those interested in holding a similar retreat day at their Maronite Parish, please contact the Maronite Servants of Christ the Light by email
Retreat – “Loved As I Am”
We hosted
and facilitated an afternoon of retreat on March 22 for young adults at the
Mother of Light Convent in Dartmouth, MA.
The theme “Loved as I Am” was
taken from the book by Sr. Miriam James Heidland S.O.L.T. When Sr. Miriam’s life as a
successful college athlete proved unfulfilling, she went searching for
something deeper and ended up falling in love with Jesus.

The young adults joined
us for adoration before the Holy Mysteries, Ramsho and supper. What better way
of knowing Christ, than spending time with Him in prayer. Consider a retreat event for your parish
group, call the Sisters 508/996-1753.
MYO Spiritual Night at Our Lady of Purgatory

The teens viewed an excerpt from the movie, The Passion of Christ, and were asked to reflect on Christ’s sacrifice and what it means to them. The Sisters also gave a visual presentation on Maronite iconography depicting the Passion Week explaining the liturgical events leading up to the Glorious Resurrection.