
New Members for Sodality of St. Joseph - New Bedford

By Natalie Salameh

The Sodality of St. Joseph at Our Lady of Purgatory (OLOP), New Bedford welcomed 13 new members on March 15. The initiation ceremony took place during Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Fr. Jack Morrison, pastor. The Divine Liturgy concluded with the benediction of the icon of St. Joseph, traditionally known in Arabic as Ziah Mar Youssef.

President of the Sodality is Deacon Jean Mattar and the new members are: the Maronite Servants of Christ the Light, Jose Bettencourt, Maria Baptista, Jacques and Amal Barbour, Fadi Bark, Gaby Baroody, David Dickinson, Michael and Diane LeBlanc, and Martha Mattar.

The Sodality of St. Joseph (also known as the Sodality of a Happy Death) was originally founded in 1648 in Rome. Subsequent chapters were established throughout the world. In 1918, (just one year after the founding of OLOP) a chapter of the Sodality of St. Joseph was established there. It is the oldest parish organization at OLOP and assists the parish in many ways by providing spiritual support through its prayers and devotions, and financial support through its fundraising initiatives.