Office of Family and Sanctity of Life

Election Day is three weeks away. Please exercise your right as a U.S. citizen and fullfill your Christian duty at the polls. More than 460 seats of Congress (both in the House and the Senate) will be determined by this mid-term election. Additionally, each vote as a voice of the people, contributes toward a message to the White House. I urge you to visit the polls on election day and vote pro-life. If you are not familiar with the candidates, begin your research now and examine the candidates' platform and voting history. Spread the word about pro-life candidates among friends and colleagues. Exhort the Christian assembly to vote pro-life.
I hope the following links will offer assistance in the development of an informed vote.
good article on the mid-term effect
2010 Senate Races
2010 Senate endorsements by National Right to Life
U.S. House of Representatives scorecard by National Right to Life
I will close with the following reflection by Archbishop Raymond Burke, Archbishop of St. Louis --
"Some will say that the defense of innocent life is only one issue among many, that it is important but not fundamental. They are wrong. In the natural moral law, the good of life is the most fundamental good and the condition for the enjoyment of all other goods."