Taken from "Captivated by His Teachings" Father Anthony Salim
At the end of 19th century, the Lebanese were among the many people who emigrated from their homelands because of persecution or for economic advancement. Maronites emigrated from Lebanon and settled in all parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, North and South America, Canada, and Australia. In fact, they assimilated well, shaped by the cultures they encountered and shaping them in turn. For the Lebanese secular inculturation came easily in the first two generations in emigration. Yet, ironically this was coupled with a stubborn fondness for their Lebanese heritage. As with any immigrant population these bonds with Lebanon have weakened in succeeding generations.
Like some other Eastern Catholics, Maronites were at first under the governance of local Latin bishops. Even though they would not begin to have their own eparchs and eparchies until the middle of the 20th century, the Maronites brought their own religious and cultural heritage with them and enriched the societies in which they newly resided. Clergy were sent by the Patriarchs to serve Maronite parishes. These men, frequently the most educated in the community, were suited to help these new immigrants.
After the Council several native jurisdictions were established. These were sometimes called exarchates. As they became stable, they were elevated to the status of eparchy.
The Maronites Today