
The Assumption of the Mother of God

The Assumption 

The following passage is taken from “Captivated by His Teachings” by Fr. Anthony Salim.

“Although not explicitly stated in Sacred Scripture, the doctrine of the “Assumption” (or Dormition: “Falling Asleep”) of Mary, body and soul, into heaven at the end of her earthly life comes from the Church’s sacred Tradition. This is a celebration of Mary’s share in the Resurrection.

Many of the prayers of today’s Divine Liturgy either imply or symbolically express the favor God bestowed upon Mary in the Assumption. The third strophe of the Qolo of the day is a good example:

‘On this day you slept in death, Virgin Mother of the Lord.
You had carried God’s own Son, Christ, who carries all the world, and
now you are taken up in majesty, called to be with God.
As you leave this earthly world for the new eternal world, the angels, in awe, lead you into paradise.
They rejoice on your great feast and honor you as they sing their hymns of praise.’”

May the prayers of Our Blessed Mother on this her special feast grant all peoples and nations lasting peace, especially in Iraq, Syria and all the Middle East.