
Perfect Love in Action

By Sister Therese Maria Touma, MSCL

If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must wash each other's feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you. In all truth I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, no messenger is greater than the one who sent him. (John 13:14-16)

During the Last Supper, Jesus held nothing back in giving of his very flesh and blood to nourish and unite his closest friends (and all of us) to Him in the gift of the Eucharist. On that sacred night where he also instituted the Sacrament/Mystery of the Priesthood, he also taught us one of the most life-forming lessons as he (who is our Lord and God) got down on his knees and washed the feet of his apostles to model to them what true humility and perfect love looks like in action.  It pours itself out for the good of the other…

As I reflect on this powerful scene of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, his simple yet profound actions portray that there no boundaries when it comes to stooping down to love and serve us, his beloved sons and daughters. There is nothing too ugly that Jesus cannot touch and heal within me and in the hearts of all those I serve. The Crucifix is the ultimate reminder of this total self-giving love. Jesus’ hands are extended wide open as they are nailed to the cross for our salvation and the forgiveness of our sins.

We are instructed by Jesus to live in this perfect love and give of our self without holding anything back. What a beautiful and challenging invitation this is for us in living out our daily discipleship. To die to our selfishness, and to go out of our comfort zones to receive and share Jesus’ healing love and light with our wounded brothers and sisters. To paraphrase the great Saint John Paul II, it is giving our self away in selfless love that we truly find our self and experience deep fulfillment and purpose in life.

Thank you Lord Jesus for drawing close to me in my messiness. Come and heal what needs to be restored in my life and relationships. Jesus, you are my Divine Physician, come and wash away my sins and fill me with the newness of life. I surrender to you my brokenness, limitations and sins.  May my weaknesses be a way of drawing closer to you, you who are infinite mercy and perfect love. Grant me the grace to share this healing love I have received with all those I encounter and serve. Amen.