We attended the MYA Workshop Nov.
th held in Washington DC where 170 young adults from across the
U.S. present. The main presenter
speaking on Maronite history and spirituality, in particular the Maronite
Liturgy was Chorbishop Seely Beggiani, Rector of the Maronite Seminary. At the
workshop we assisted by leading Maronite morning and evening prayer. Sr.
Therese Maria also shared her journey of faith to the group and below is a copy
of her life testimony.
The MYA also had the opportunity
in their program to go to confession, receive the mysteries of the Eucharist
celebrated by His Excellency Bishop Gregory Mansour and other priests from our eparchies.
The highlight of the program was the visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon
in the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. On Sunday
at 11:00AM the MYA group attended Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Lebanon Church,
and a farewell brunch.
Discovering the Love of My Life!
by– Sister Therese Maria Touma, MSCL
It is a great joy to share with you my journey of faith and
how I came to develop a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ, the love of
my life! I would like to begin by sharing a little about my family history. I
was born in 1984 and raised in Sydney, Australia. My dad was born in North
Lebanon and my mother was born in Sydney. I have two siblings younger than I, a
sister and brother. Growing up, we went every Sunday to the Maronite
Church. We were blessed to be raised in
our Maronite faith and traditions. My mother taught us by example to pray and
value our faith by the way we lived out our Christian values.
In high school, I started to ask questions, seeking answers
to what the point of my existence was? We get up, eat, go to school, work, eat,
sleep, and the cycle goes on? Deep down I was yearning to understand my purpose
in life, and to find a deeper fulfillment in who I was. So I started to attend
weekly bible discussion at our parish hoping to find some answers. At home, I
began reading the Gospels to discover more about the attractive person of Jesus
and his teachings. I found Christ’s Words to be nourishing and also challenging
at the same time, as I discovered I had to change (let go of my pride and
selfishness) to be more like Jesus who in contrast is humble, compassionate, and
forgiving. I also started to put my faith into action and get more involved in
serving at our parish, as a lector, in the choir, and in various spiritual and
social activities.
In college my thirst to learn more about the Catholic faith
grew so in my free time I read the lives of many interesting saints, and the Catechism
of the Catholic Church. One saint that very much captivated me was St. Therese
the Little Flower. Her book the “Story of the Soul” totally inspired me and I
believe helped form my spirituality of simplicity, trust and child-like
confidence in God’s infinite love and mercy. It is worth reading. I highly
recommend it!
In my younger youth, I enjoyed life, family, friends and frozen
yogurt! As a Sister, my enjoyment in life has expanded in community with the
humorous Mother Marla Marie. Some of my hobbies were playing basketball,
swimming, skiing, calligraphy, and going out dancing with friends.
At the age of 20, a significant event that led me to realize
my desire to be “all for Jesus” was the 2005 ADORE Eucharistic Conference I
attended in Sydney. I recall coming home from the conference crying tears of
joy…as I had experienced more intimately God’s awesome love for me, his beloved
daughter. I also felt a deeper sorrow for my attachments to sin. I desired to be
healed and freed to love Jesus even more. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to
God for his unconditional love and goodness in my life. My mum thought
something was wrong with me. She could not fully understand how those beautiful
days of Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship, going to the Mysteries/Sacraments
of the Eucharist and penance had moved me, filled my heart with an
inexpressible peace and joy. This was also the first time I told her of my
desire of becoming a Religious Sister and loving Jesus totally by giving him
back the gift of my life. At this point, my mum was not happy with this desire
of mine as she wanted me to pursue my accounting career, get married and provide
the many grand children.
After completing my Business degree in 2005, I was offered an
excellent position in commercial accounting. Six months into my job I handed in
my resignation as I was dissatisfied in such a competitive , empty and materialistic
career. I decided to go and discern my vocation in Lebanon with the missionary
sisters of St. Therese. I stayed and lived with them, observing and joining in their
way of life for 5 months. My experience with the Sisters gave me a greater love
and appreciation for the Maronite Liturgy/Spirituality and teaching the faith. However,
I did not see that this was where God was calling me to serve him, so I returned
back to Australia in 2006 with an openness to still serving God as a Religious
In Sydney, I continued to discern my vocation through prayer,
ongoing faith formation and spiritual direction. I studied part-time a diploma
in Education while working at the Religious Education Office. In 2008, a friend
wrote to me about the new community of the Maronite Servants of Christ the
Light and encouraged me to visit their website. I did visit the website and
found myself drawn to the charism as I saw it to be a much needed and vital mission
in our universal Church. The mission of the Maronite Servants is a beautiful
call to service as spiritual mothers working alongside our priests. As
consecrated women, we are to pray for, sacrifice, and lead our people to the Christ
the Light, the true joy and treasure of our lives!
God’s ways and timing are amazing. I contacted Mother Marla
Marie and asked if I could do a Come and see visit. In that same year, I visited
Mother Marla Marie in Boston for 6 weeks. After my enjoyable and fruitful visit,
I applied to join the community and entered as a postulant in 2010. Now I am a novice
preparing to take my first vows of obedience, chastity and poverty. God willing,
December 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception I will make my first
profession of vows at St. Anthony of the Desert Church in Fall River, M.A. I am
very excited to be taking this step as I publically give my life to Jesus in
service to his people, and to share the gifts of His love and life in community.
We are praying that many young women will join us in this beautiful life and
mission. Maybe some young ladies reading this article or that you know in your
parish who might be open to serving God as a Maronite Servant? Please spread
the word about us.
If you would like for more information about our community please
visit our website www.maroniteservants.org and blog
RadiateHisLight.blogspot.com and watch our video. I promise you my prayers and
I ask for yours. I invite you in this Year of Faith to deepen your love for
Jesus by: making prayer a priority in your day, praying the Rosary, reading the
Scriptures, spending quiet time with Jesus, and growing in the understanding of
your Catholic faith by buying the Youth Catechism or YouCat and studying it!
I personally am joyful because Jesus, who is truth, goodness
and beauty, is the center and love of my life! I challenge you to make him the
center of your life. You won’t regret it! He is our way to eternal bliss, Heaven!
God bless you.