MYO is back!
On Friday September 21st
at 7:00PM we had our first MYO meeting at Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford. It
has been eight years since the parish had an MYO. We had eight eager teens
attend the meeting and more to come! It was a fun and eventful evening as we
introduced the teens to what MYO is and gave them an opportunity to express
what they would like to see in their meetings.
We had different faith
activities, ice-breakers, and minute-to-win-it games to kick off our first
meeting. Abouna Jack Morrison, pastor, led
the group in prayer, and spoke to them about the nature of prayer as talking to
God, loving him, thanking him, asking for his help, and forgiveness. Our next meeting is Friday
October 19th for a night out at laser tag.
20th Anniversary
On Sunday 23rd
September, the Divine Liturgy was offered in thanksgiving for Fr. Jack
Morrison, and in celebration of his 20th anniversary of priesthood. Our prayers, love and support are with you Abouna! May God grant you many more years of health and fruitful ministry.
Pictured are the children and
teens from the parish giving Fr. Jack a congratulatory card at the 10:00AM Liturgy. The card was made at the religious education and MYO sessions.