By Sister Therese Maria
had a successful National MYA workshop in Philadelphia this past weekend. Fr.
Vincent Farahat and the generous parishioners of Saint Maron Church in
Philadelphia hosted the youth gathering with their welcoming hospitality.
Father Tony Massad, Father Rudy Wakim, and Sister Therese Maria (the directors
of the Maronite Young Adults) and the National Executive Board diligently
worked together to offer an awesome weekend of spirituality, fun and fellowship
for the 160+ young adults who attended from across the country. We were blessed
to have His Excellency Bishop Gregory Monsour with us for the weekend, along
with other guest speakers who spoke on the theme of mercy and forgiveness. As
part of the dynamic program of prayer, presentations, confession, Liturgy and
ice breakers, the young adults also made blankets together for the children at
the Philadelphia hospital. A beautiful weekend of blessings and witness of
mercy in action!