An ancient Christian practice for praying with the
Bible is called lectio divina (Latin:
divine reading). This method of prayer is a great help in deepening one’s
relationship with God. In lectio divina,
we read and re-read a passage slowly and prayerfully, inviting the Holy Spirit
to guide and inspire our prayer. Through this meditation on Scripture we
nourish our communion with the One who not only loves us but longs to be one
with us.
He speaks to us through his Word, for it is living
and effective (Heb 4:12), and has the power to move and transform us. Each one
of us can cooperate and open the ears of our hearts, quiet the inner and outer distractions,
and pay attention to what is really happening within, and specifically to the
areas in our life that God is calling us to change.
The four steps of lectio
divina are simple: Read, Reflect,
Pray, Act. The duration of each step can be adjusted to each one’s needs
and circumstances. A passage from the Bible is selected (possibly the upcoming
Sunday’s Gospel). Then the steps below are used as a guide to ponder quietly the
passage, allowing the words to penetrate, encourage, challenge and inspire one
in becoming a more authentic disciple of Jesus.
1. Read- Read the passage slowly and thoughtfully.
2. Reflect- Reread the passage. This time notice what stands out: is
there a word or image or a particular verse that resonates with or challenges
or consoles you? Ponder it. What is God saying to you?
3. Pray- After reflecting, pray by listening to God and speaking to
Him in your heart. God loves to listen
to us and wants to hear what is in our hearts–our feelings, fears, hopes, and the
intentions of the people we love and care for.
4. Act- What resolution or actions are you inspired to make from
reading this passage? Think of something realistic and practical e.g. to be
more grateful, to be less critical, to be open to seeking counsel and spiritual
direction, to spend more time in prayer, to go to Divine Liturgy and Confession
more regularly. You may be inspired with other resolutions.
Conclude the lectio divina giving God thanks for this
time of prayer.
Let us pray:
O Holy
and Immortal Lord sanctify our minds and purify our consciences that we may
praise you with pure hearts and listen to your Holy Scriptures. To you be
glory, forever. Amen.
For a summary of this see this video link on praying with the Word:
If you have any
further questions, thoughts or need some resources on prayer or spiritual
direction please contact the Maronite Servant Sisters at or at 508-996-1753.